On 30th June hundreds of thousands of teachers, civil servants and college staff will come out on one days strike together. This is the start of the great battle to save Britain's public services from the cuts and the vandalism imposed by a political system that serves the greed of the international banking system above the needs of the ordinary working people. Public service workers are fighting to defend their pensions - and also the services they work in and jobs for future generations. Join us!
Solidarity Rally. Lancaster Market Square.
Thurs 30th June.
Events start 11am. Main Lunch-break rally 12:15am.
Speakers from local unions and community groups (NUT,TUC,UCU,PCS, Pensioners campaign, etc).
Live Music!
Street Theatre!
Balloons, Facepainting!
Discussion, solidarity, action!
Last week over 80 local activists gathered at Lancaster Town Hall to plan and discuss the j30 strike day. The campaign has been super-busy for months now - often too busy to update this blog! We sent a train-load down to the great half-million strong London TUC march at the end of March. Since then we have been fully mobilised in the battle to save local services and keep the NHS public, fighting the Con-Dem governments plans to allow private corporations to leech off the NHS. Hundreds more people have attended dozens of LMATC and related activities. Now we are moving towards mass strike action, as well as other forms of protest action. The strikes by hundreds of thousands of public service workers on the 30th June 2011 will be just the start. We expect millions more to join in the action this autumn. We will not let this government (who no one voted for) sacrifice our public services, jobs and prosperity on the alter of the greed of a failed global financial system. Join the struggle - make history - protect your children's future!
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