Monday, 24 October 2011

Carnival atmosphere at Lancaster's J30 Strike Day rally.

The centre of Lancaster took on a carnival atmosphere on June 30th, as local people joined hundreds of thousands of public sector workers across Britain united in strike action to defend pensions and public services. In bright sunshine, Market Square was filled with a crowd of over 400 people in a colourful show of resistance, including striking teachers joined by parents, schoolkids and community groups. Numbers were swelled further by striking civil servants and college lecturers. The strikers were joined by many other sections of the community including pensioners, students, carers and others  hit by the cuts. Amidst a sea of bright balloons and banners, hundreds of local people gathered to chat and listen to speeches from campaigners, while children danced to music from a local band. Groups of workers and community groups also united to march around the roads with banners and drums, briefly bringing lancaster to a standstill. 

This was a brief show of strength for some local trades unions and their allies. People came away feeling stronger and more united. Now more groups of workers feel encouraged to join the action - and millions more workers from much bigger unions are now balloting to join the next day of strike action on Nov 30. This public service workers fight is an important battle in the war against cuts, poverty, austerity and economic crisis. 

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